Welcome to the new and exciting field of a Forensic Nurse! There are many questions asked about the title Forensic Nurse (FN), first and foremost being; “what is it, and what do they do?”
Forensic Nurses are being brought into a crime scene to collect evidence, take samples, and work alongside detectives and police to determine events and the specifics of a crime. Another important role that Forensic Nurses have is being the advocate for the victims, families, and survivors of violent crimes, neglect and abuse. A Forensic Nurse again can help law enforcement determine the cause of any wounds or pain inflicted.
Along with training in the Forensic Physical and Psychological Assessment, a Forensic Nurse is trained in Crisis Planning and Management. In addition, a forensic nurse can also perform the role of a legal nurse consultant. For information about how I can assist you, please refer to My Services.